PSPRS Online Services:

Public Safety Personnel Retirement System

1099-R Form: FAQs for retirees and members


Public Safety Personnel Retirement System
State of Arizona
January 27, 2021

Contact: Christian Palmer
Phone: 602-296-3736

1099-R Form: FAQs for retirees and members 

How to access the form if you haven’t yet received it

Federal 1099-R tax forms have been mailed to all benefit recipients of PSPRS-managed plans and to former members who have refunded from PSPRS-managed plans. Current benefit recipients can also access their 1099-R forms through the Members Only portal.

ADDRESS CHANGES: If your mailing address didn’t change after January 10, 2021, a 1099-R form will be sent to the address on file and can take up to 10 days to arrive.

If your address did change, a 1099-R copy can be requested after submitting an Address Name Change Form (FORM 9) via fax, mail or email to PSPRS. This form is on the PSPRS website under Forms and Resources. You may also request a 1099-R reprint by contacting the PSPRS office after February 18, 2021.

ONLINE ACCESS: Any retired member or beneficiary can access their 1099-R form online by logging into the Members Only site. Once logged in, click on the 1099-R button which will direct you to all available current and prior 1099-R records.

This Members Only feature is not available for former members who have separated and refunded from PSPRS-managed plans. Former members who have separated and refunded can request 1099-R reprinted copies after February 18, 2021.