Cancer insurance payment process to change
Save the date for Dec. 2 and 9 educational seminars.
Retiree health insurance open enrollment for 2020
If you are an EORP retiree/survivor insured through Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS), or Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA), you will need to review the open enrollment packet(s) sent to you. For information regarding open enrollment, click here, and please be aware that open enrollment ends November 30, 2019.
Retiree health insurance open enrollment for 2020
If you are a CORP retiree/survivor insured through Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS), or Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA), you will need to review the open enrollment packet(s) sent to you. For open enrollment information, click here, and please be aware that open enrollment ends November 30, 2019.
Retiree health insurance open enrollment for 2020
If you are a PSPRS retiree/survivor insured through Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS), or Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA), you will need to review the open enrollment packet(s) sent to you. For open enrollment information, click here, and please be aware that open enrollment ends November 30, 2019.
Get to know your plan provisions…
As a contributing member, we understand there’s a lot of information with respect to your Membership Eligibility & Tiers and Member Benefits and, for that reason, we welcome and encourage you to visit these pages to learn about your benefits and options. If you are a retiree of the Plan, we encourage you to familiarize […]
Get to know your plan provisions…
As a contributing member, we understand there’s a lot of information with respect to your Membership Eligibility & Tiers and Member Benefits and, for that reason, we welcome and encourage you to visit these pages to learn about your benefits and options. If you are a retiree of the Plan, we encourage you to familiarize […]
Increases based on CPI for EORP retirees and survivors
Effective November 2018, Arizona voters passed Proposition 125 which changed the way in which increases are calculated for the members in the Elected Officials’ Retirement Plan. The new method is determined using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for metropolitan Phoenix-Mesa. For more information, see Increases.
Fiscal Year Returns below Threshold to Issue an Increase
Retirees in EORP will not receive an increase effective July 1, 2018 as fiscal year-end returns for June 30, 2018 did not meet the threshold to pay an increase to the eligible retirees and survivors. For information in regard to the upcoming Proposition 125, please review the System Update titled Proposition 125: Frequently Asked Questions. If […]
Fiscal Year Returns below Threshold to Issue an Increase
Retirees in CORP will not receive an increase effective July 1, 2018 as fiscal year-end returns for June 30, 2018 did not meet the threshold to pay an increase to the eligible retirees and survivors. For information in regard to the upcoming Proposition 125, please review the System Update titled Proposition 125: Frequently Asked Questions. […]
Increases based on CPI for CORP retirees and survivors
Effective November 2018, Arizona voters passed Proposition 125 which changed the way in which increases are calculated for the members in the Corrections Officer Retirement Plan. The new method is determined using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for metropolitan Phoenix-Mesa. For more information, see Increases.