PSPRS Online Services:

Public Safety Personnel Retirement System

Tier 2 Membership Opt-out Election

Members who joined the PSPRS between January 1, 2012 and June 30, 2017 that do not pay into social security will automatically be required to pay into the PSPRS Defined Contribution (DC) Plan (in addition to the current Defined Benefit Plan), unless you elect to opt-out before June 30, 2017.  To assist in this process, […]

Increases and Adjustments

In May 2016 Arizona voters passed Proposition 124 which changed the way in which increases are calculated for the members in the Public Safety retirement system – this Proposition did NOT affect members in the CORP or EORP.  Increases for CORP will continue to be calculated as indicated in the Increases section and, at this time, […]

Your address is important to us!

Whether you are working, inactive (not in contributing status), an alternate payee pending benefits (i.e. ex-spouse), or you are retired, your contact information (address, email and phone numbers) is important to us.  The form to update your contact information can be found here.

Adjustments to Contributions and/or Increases

Approved in the PSPRS Board of Trustees meeting on March 30, 2017, effective with the first pay period on or after April 1, 2017, the contribution rates will revert to 7.65% for the Tier 1 Members; however, Tier 1 Members with a membership date on or after July 20, 2011 and through December 31, 2011, […]

Increases Based on CPI for PS Members

Effective May 2016, Arizona voters passed Proposition 124 which changed the way in which increases are calculated for the members in the Public Safety retirement system (the proposition does not affect the CORP or EORP membership).  The new method is determined using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for metropolitan Phoenix-Mesa.  For more information, see Increases.

Service Purchase Calculation to Change 7/1/2017

If you are considering purchasing credited service through a lump-sum payment, or Payroll Deduction Agreement (PDA), it is important that you understand that a new calculation method will begin on July 1, 2017 for any new requests made on or after this date.  We encourage you to utilize the Service Purchase Estimator to compare the […]

When will I receive my REFUND or RETIREMENT payment?

REFUND:  If the PSPRS receives a fully completed application (i.e., member’s signature is provided, employer certification termination section is signed by the employer, lump sum distribution form is signed by the member and the rollover institution, if applicable, and the final employee contribution has been received by the PSPRS), the refund payment may be made […]

Your address is important to us!

Whether you are working, inactive (not in contributing status), an alternate payee pending benefits (i.e. ex-spouse), or you are retired, your contact information (address, email and phone numbers) is important to us!  Since we require that you complete our address form for updates, we made it easier for you and have attached it, here!

Newly appointed elected officials without EORP or ASRS accounts

Any newly appointed elected official that does not have an existing active, inactive or retired account with the EORP or the ASRS must pay into the Elected Officials’ Defined Contribution Retirement System (EODCRS) Plan.  For more information, see the EODCRS section.

Increases and Adjustments

In May 2016 Arizona voters passed Proposition 124 which changed the way in which increases are calculated for the members in the Public Safety retirement system – this Proposition did NOT affect members in the CORP or EORP.  Increases for CORP will continue to be calculated as indicated in the Increases section and, at this time, […]