PSPRS Online Services:

Public Safety Personnel Retirement System

Permanent Benefit Increase (PBI) Update

PSPRS is in the process of analyzing investment returns to determine if a PBI will be paid to CORP benefit recipients in 2018.  That analysis is expected to be finalized by the beginning of September.  If it is determined that an increase can be paid, it will be issued in the September or October payroll, retroactive to July […]

Retiree Health Insurance Open Enrollment closes in 1 month!

If you are insured through Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS), or through the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA), also referred to as ADOA “Benefit Options” or if you are not certain if your coverage is through the ASRS, ADOA/Benefit Options or another PSPRS-employer plan click here for more information regarding open enrollment. Open enrollment ends on Friday, […]

Pension Reform Impacting CORP to Appear on November Ballot

Pension reform for CORP (and EORP) will appear on the November ballot. The reform mimic those put into place for the Public Safety pension plan in 2016 – a replacement of the permanent benefit increase, or PBI, with a cost-of-living-adjustment (capped at 2 percent) based on annual changes recognized by the U.S. Bureau of Labor’s […]

CORP benefits changing for new hires

All correction members hired on or after July 1, 2018, will be required to pay into a 401(a) Defined Contribution (DC) plan; however, AOC probation and surveillance officers hired on or after this date will have the option to choose between a Defined Benefit (DB) plan and the 401(a) retirement account managed by PSPRS and […]

CORP Increase for July 1, 2017, plus an Increase Adjustment

On approximately December 22, 2017, all eligible* CORP retirees and survivors with a membership date prior to July 20, 2011 will receive a Permanent Benefit Increase (PBI) of 1.76% retroactive to July 1, 2017 and, if eligible, may also receive a PBI adjustment for fiscal year 2013/14 and 2014/15 as a result of litigation decided by the […]

System Upgrade

Due to the pension reform provisions passed by the legislature in 2016 and 2017, the Administrative Office of the PSPRS is in the process of implementing a major software upgrade in the Members Only, Employers and Local Board portals that will enable the System and the employers to handle the new provisions of the laws, as […]

System Upgrade

Due to pension reform provisions passed by the legislature in 2016 and 2017, PSPRS is just finishing up a major software upgrade that will enable staff, employers and local boards to handle the new provisions and provide enhancements to members.  Parts of the PSPRS website, including portions of the Members Only portal and Service Purchase Calculator, are being updated […]

Your address is important to us!

Whether you are working, inactive (not in contributing status), an alternate payee pending benefits (i.e. ex-spouse), or you are retired, your contact information (address, email and phone numbers) is important to us!  Since we require that you complete our address form for updates, we made it easier for you and have attached it, here!

Increases and Adjustments

In May 2016 Arizona voters passed Proposition 124 which changed the way in which increases are calculated for the members in the Public Safety retirement system – this Proposition did NOT affect members in the CORP or EORP.  Increases for CORP will continue to be calculated as indicated in the Increases section and, at this time, […]