PSPRS Online Services:

Public Safety Personnel Retirement System

When will I receive my REFUND or RETIREMENT payment?

REFUND:  If the PSPRS receives a fully completed application (i.e., member’s signature is provided, employer certification termination section is signed by the employer, lump sum distribution form is signed by the member and the rollover institution, if applicable, and the final employee contribution has been received by the PSPRS), the refund payment may be made […]

Service Purchase Calculation to Change 7/1/2017

If you are considering purchasing credited service through a lump-sum payment, or Payroll Deduction Agreement (PDA), it is important that you understand that a new calculation method will begin on July 1, 2017 for any new requests made on or after this date.  We encourage you to utilize the Service Purchase Estimator to compare the […]

Your address is important to us!

Whether you are working, inactive (not in contributing status), an alternate payee pending benefits (i.e. ex-spouse), or you are retired, your contact information (address, email and phone numbers) is important to us!  Since we require that you complete our address form for updates, we made it easier for you and have attached it, here!

Proposition 125: Frequently Asked Questions

On the November general election ballot voters will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition 125. This is a bipartisan measure that will put the Correctional Officers Retirement Plan and the Elected Officials Retirement Plan back on a sustainable path while still keeping the promises made to retirees and giving them the tools to plan […]

Fiscal Year Returns below Threshold to Issue an Increase

Retirees in EORP will not receive an increase effective July 1, 2018 as fiscal year-end returns for June 30, 2018 did not meet the threshold to pay an increase to the eligible retirees and survivors.  For information in regard to the upcoming Proposition 125, please review the System Update titled Proposition 125: Frequently Asked Questions. If […]

Increases based on CPI for EORP retirees and survivors

Effective November 2018, Arizona voters passed Proposition 125 which changed the way in which increases are calculated for the members in the Elected Officials’ Retirement Plan.  The new method is determined using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for metropolitan Phoenix-Mesa.  For more information, see Increases.

Get to know your plan provisions…

As a contributing member, we understand there’s a lot of information with respect to your Membership Eligibility & Tiers and Member Benefits and, for that reason, we welcome and encourage you to visit these pages to learn about your benefits and options. If you are a retiree of the Plan, we encourage you to familiarize […]

Retiree health insurance open enrollment for 2020

If you are an EORP retiree/survivor insured through Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS), or Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA), you will need to review the open enrollment packet(s) sent to you.  For information regarding open enrollment, click here, and please be aware that open enrollment ends November 30, 2019.

EORP Membership Assistance

Current EORP members interested in obtaining an estimate, or retirement packet, may contact our office at [email protected], or (602) 255-5575. In the interim of this process and to guide you with helpful resources of information, click here to access the EORP (and EODCRS) Summary of Plan Provisions and here to visit the EORP Health Insurance […]

Retiree health insurance open enrollment for 2021

EORP retired members and survivors who receive medical and dental insurance through the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS), or Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA), will need to review the recently mailed open enrollment packets.  For important open enrollment information, click here.