Request Public Records
To request and receive public records, please complete and return a Public Records Reproduction Request Form. This form may be submitted to the PSPRS office by mail, fax or email.
PSPRS is prohibited by law from disclosing Personal Identifying Information (PII), or documents exempt from public disclosure under state law. A specific exemption to public disclosure exists to protect PSPRS investments, proprietary information and strategies of PSPRS investment partners.
Public records available on our website include past Board of Trustee and Committee meeting minutes, materials and agendas, while investment, asset allocation, fund performance information and annual financial reports are available in the Investments & Financials section.
Public Records Contact
Kurtis Chandler, Records Manager
[email protected]
Ph: (602) 296-3741
Legal Matters Contact
Legal Matters
Service of Process
PSPRS staff are not authorized to accept notice of claims, complaints or lawsuits, or personal service of summons. Please call the PSPRS office at (602) 296-2543 to arrange for service on named person or entity. Staff will contact PSPRS general counsel immediately.
Subpoenas can be accepted by PSPRS staff, mailed to the PSPRS office or emailed to [email protected]. A notice of receipt will be sent once processed.