PSPRS Online Services:

Elected Officials

Elected Officials Plans


Elected Officials Defined Contribution Retirement System
Elected officials and members of the judiciary who have taken office on or after January 1, 2014, become members of the Elected Officials Defined Contribution Retirement System, also known as EODCRS.

The EODCRS is a defined contribution retirement plan in which both members and employers make contributions into an individual account established for each participant. Member contributions are made on a pre-tax basis and generate an employer matching contribution into a 401(a) account.

These accounts held by plan members and retirees are managed by Nationwide Retirement Solutions and overseen by the PSPRS Defined Contribution Committee, which consists of PSPRS trustees and members of the public safety, corrections and elected officials retirement plans.

EODCRS members and retirees can allocate contributions to various investment options within their 401(a) account. These options include target date funds, mutual funds, index funds and bond funds. The benefit available to plan members upon retirement is determined by both contributions and investment performance of the funds chosen by participants. New members must complete an EODCRS Nationwide Enrollment Form and contact their employer to begin making contributions to the 401(a) accounts.

For additional information, members can review the AZ EODCRS Plan Overview and the EODCRS Summary of Plan Provisions.

Defined contribution plans are a proven wealth and retirement security building tool, but participants bear the risk of market volatility and economic conditions.

The EODCRS is overseen by the PSPRS Defined Contribution Committee, which consists of PSPRS trustees and members of the public safety, corrections and elected officials retirement plans.

Elected Officials Retirement Plan
Please note that there may be situations that prohibit membership in the EODCRS plan. Most common is current or inactive membership in the Elected Officials Retirement Plan, which is a defined benefit or pension plan in which benefits are determined by member salaries and credited service during employment. The elected officials plan, known as EORP, was closed to new members on December 31, 2013.

For additional information, members can view the EORP plan summary.

Please note that there are several benefit tiers available to elected officials based on the date of members’ appointment or election to office.

Elected Officials Plans and tiers

Tier 1

Elected Officials Retirement Plan (EORP)

This is available for members elected or appointed to office prior to January 1, 2012, and who are active contributing members or inactive members who have not retired or drawn retirement benefits.

Tier 2

Elected Officials Retirement Plan (EORP)

This is available for members elected or appointed to office on or after January 1, 2012, and who are active contributing or inactive members who have not retired or drawn retirement benefits.

Tier 3

Elected Officials Defined Contribution Retirement System (EODCRS)

Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS)

This is available for members elected or appointed to office on or after January 1, 2014, and who are not active or inactive members of EORP or the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS).

This is available for members elected or appointed to office on or after January 1, 2014, and who have active or inactive accounts with the Arizona State Retirement System, and who do not have any type of EORP account.

Return to Work

Retirees from EORP and ASRS who are receiving pension benefits may return to work as elected officials or members of the judiciary for employers covered by Arizona retirement plans. Retirees in this scenario may contact their employer to request to participate in the EODCRS. Please note that return-to-work members do not contribute towards additional pension benefits although employers are required to pay an alternative contribution rate to EORP on behalf of such members.

Member and employer contribution rates
Effective July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 (Fiscal 2024/25)



Employee Rates

Employer Rates 
Determined by statute

Submit to:

Tier 1 & 2

EORP Contribution Rates


Tier 1 if hired before July 20, 2011 is 7%

Tier 1 if hired on or after July 20, 2011 is 13%

Tier 2: 13%



(Employer portal code: Hired)

Tier 3

ASRS – LTD Rates

ASRS – Contribution Rates

ASRS/EORP – Legacy Rates





Total 12.27%




Total 58.89%




(Employer portal code:
 Hired EODC – ASRS 

Tier 3

EODCRS – Disability Rates

EODCRS – Contribution Rates

EODCRS/EORP – Legacy Rate






Total 8.14%




Total 52.76%




(Employer portal code:
 Hired EODC – EORP 

 to work

EORP Alternate Contribution




(70.44%−normal cost
 of 17.82%=52.62%)


(Employer portal code: Hired–Return to 

Download the FY2025 contribution rate table
Download the contribution rates from previous years