PSPRS Online Services:

Elected Officials

Survivor Benefits


By statute as a Tier 1 or 2 Member, a survivor benefit is paid to your eligible spouse and/or eligible children.  If there is no eligible spouse or children, the balance of the member’s contributions, if any, will be paid to the named beneficiary(ies) on file.


Spouse:  Proof of recorded/filed marriage certificate (click here for examples).  For retired members, statute requires two consecutive years of marriage at the time of the members death.

Child(ren):  Biological or legally adopted children who are unmarried, under the age of 18, and/or attending school full-time between the ages of 18 to 23, which also includes disabled children (disability occurred before the age of 23), and who is a dependent of the member.

Note:  Divorce automatically terminates your ex-spouse for a surviving spouse pension; however, to maintain your ex-spouse as a beneficiary of any remaining contributions on account, you must complete a new Beneficiary Designation Form after the date of divorce.

ACTIVE MEMBERS for Tier 1 and 2

Spouse’s Pension
Tier 1 Members:  The surviving spouse of an active or inactive member will receive a Spouse’s Pension each month for lifetime.   The Spouse’s Pension is 75% of the member’s pension benefit based on the calculation for a disability benefit. 

Tier 2 Members:  The surviving spouse of an active or inactive member will receive a Spouse’s Pension each month for lifetime.  The Spouse’s Pension is 50% of the member’s pension benefit based on the calculation for a disability benefit. 


Guardian/Child Benefit
If there is no surviving spouse, or the pension of the surviving spouse is terminated, a Guardian Benefit (based on the calculation for the applicable Spouse’s Pension) may be paid to the guardian of the surviving, eligible unmarried child(ren) until the child(ren) is adopted, turns 18 or until the age of 23 if the attending full-time school between the ages of 18 and 23.  An eligible child’s pension shall become payable directly to the eligible child when the eligible child reaches the age of eighteen (18), if the person remains eligible to receive the pension and is not subject to a guardianship or conservatorship due to disability or incapacity. 

If the Guardian Benefit is paid to a disabled child (the child’s disability occurred prior to the age of 23) and remains a dependent of the guardian, the Guardian Benefit is payable to the disabled child for lifetime.


Balance of Contributions
If there is no eligible surviving spouse or eligible child(ren), the member’s named beneficiary on file will receive the balance of the member’s accumulated contributions.

RETIRED MEMBERS for Tier 1 and 2

Spouse’s Pension
Tier 1 Members:  If married for at least two (2) consecutive years at the time of the member’s death, the surviving spouse will receive a Spouse’s Pension each month for lifetime based on 75% of the member’s pension benefit.

Tier 2 Members:  If married for at least two (2) consecutive years at the time of the member’s death, the surviving spouse will receive a Spouse’s Pension each month for lifetime based on 50% of the member’s pension benefit, except for those members who elect for an actuarially reduced pension at the time of retirement, the surviving spouse would then receive 75% of the member’s pension each month for lifetime.


Guardian/Child Benefit
If there is no surviving spouse, or the pension of the surviving spouse is terminated, a Guardian Benefit (based on the calculation for the applicable Spouse’s Pension) may be paid to the guardian of the surviving, eligible unmarried child(ren) until the child(ren) is adopted, turns 18 or until the age of 23 if the attending full-time school between the ages of 18 and 23.  An eligible child’s pension shall become payable directly to the eligible child when the eligible child reaches the age of eighteen (18), if the person remains eligible to receive the pension and is not subject to a guardianship or conservatorship due to disability or incapacity. 

If the Guardian Benefit is paid to a disabled child (the child’s disability occurred prior to the age of 23) and remains a dependent of the guardian, the surviving spouse’s pension is payable to the disabled child for lifetime.


Balance of Contributions
If there is no eligible surviving spouse or eligible child(ren), the member’s named beneficiary on file will receive the balance of the member’s accumulated contributions.


If you are reporting the death of one of our members or other benefit recipients, please Contact Us.