PSPRS provides quick and easy access to the forms and resources that you may need as a retiree. All forms and resources are available to download or print in PDF format. Please note that we cannot accept any changes over the phone, for example: name, address, beneficiary, email, taxes and direct deposit. Most forms may be mailed, faxed or emailed using the information noted on the form. In some cases, however, the original form must be mailed in to our office, as noted on the form or in the instructions; please pay careful attention. For all forms, double-check all fields and signatures (we cannot accept an electronic signature) and before submitting a form, please make a copy for your records.
PSPRS or CORP Tier 1, 2 or 3 DB Members:
If you are seeking an application to apply for benefits (i.e., Normal Retirement, enter/exit DROP, Survivor, etc.), you will need to contact your local board secretary in order to complete the necessary forms and documents. The board secretary will guide you in this process. If you are not certain who your local board secretary is, please Contact Us.
EORP Tier 1 and 2 DB Members, plus Tier 3 EODCRS Members Electing a Disability Benefit:
PSPRS is the local board for EORP and EODCRS disability members; therefore, please Contact Us to assist you in the process of your benefits.
All DC and EODCRS Members:
Please contact Nationwide Retirement Solutions for benefit inquiries.
For members electing to exit DROP or apply for Survivor benefits, our office will need to have the completed forms on or before the 10th of the month in order to process that same month. You will want to consult with your local board secretary as there are additional board requirements that will have an impact on this process. For Health Insurance Enrollment Form deadlines, please see the Health Insurance section under Retiree for the Plan in which you participate, PSPRS, CORP, or EORP.
Since the PSPRS manages 3 separate pension Plans (PSPRS, CORP and EORP), it is very important that you select the appropriate retirement Plan forms from the drop-down listing (using the incorrect form could cause a delay in your request).