PSPRS Online Services:

HB2381 Model Uniform Rules review and comment period now open


Public Safety Personnel Retirement System
State of Arizona

Contact: Christian Palmer
Phone: 602-296-3736

HB2381 Model Uniform Rules review and comment period to open soon

November 10 deadline for submitting responses, proposed changes

Legislative amendments to local board powers and duties in HB2381 (Chapter 34, Laws 2021) require that local boards have established rules in place to adjudicate claims brought before the board for action. Such rules, at a minimum, must also incorporate the Model Uniform Rules for Local Board Procedure that are issued by the PSPRS Board of Trustees.

PSPRS has made draft revisions to update its public safety and corrections Model Uniform Rules to incorporate the new law’s statutory changes. Ultimately, the draft rules will be presented to the Board of Trustees for adoption.

PSPRS is seeking comment to these draft Model Uniform Rules from our local boards, legal counsel and employers directly affected by the requirements.  

Written comment to the attached draft rules (PSPRS and CORP) can be submitted via email to [email protected] during the Tuesday, October 26, to Wednesday, November 10 comment period. PSPRS encourages recipients to respond as soon as possible.

Please submit comments and/or proposed revisions by using the email subject line “Comment to Draft Model Rules.” The following sample Model Uniform Rules questions may assist stakeholders in formulating responses.

  • What can make the rules more clear?
  • Are there areas that are not covered that should be?
  • Do any of the draft rules present challenges or difficulties for local boards?
  • What amendments brought on by HB2381 are leading to questions or confusion that might be clarified in Model Uniform Rules?

PSPRS will review all written comments in consideration of any additional changes to incorporate into the current draft rules. Final draft rules presented to the Board of Trustees for adoption will include PSPRS response to written comments provided by stakeholders.

CLICK HERE for draft PSPRS Model Uniform Rules

CLICK HERE for draft CORP Model Uniform Rules

We thank you in advance for your participation in this process.