GASB Information

In June 2012, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) established significant pension reporting changes that affect all of our participating employer groups. The intent of the standards is to enhance the pension-related information in financial reports.  These standards are contained in GASB Statement 68, which require new accounting and reporting standards for state and local government employers participating in public pension plans. This standard replaces GASB 27 as the reporting standard for employers and it also requires employers to recognize their proportionate share of the net pension liability (as defined in GASB 67) in their financial statements.

Employers will be required to disclose their proportionate share of pension liabilities or assets, deferred inflows and outflows of resources, and pension expense. Employers will also need to provide a description of the pension plans along with additional information about each of the pension-related amounts shown in their financial statements.

All but 17 public safety employers are part of the Public Safety Tier 3 Risk Pool, which is a separate cost-sharing plan for Tier 3 members that is a new plan beginning for the Report Date from 6/30/17 and after.  

Archived GASB reports from prior years, click here.


GASB Reports (Report Date 6/30/2023; Measurement Date 6/30/2022)

2022 PS GASB 68 and 75 Reports

2022 PS Risk Pool GASB 68 and 75 Reports

2022 PS Census Data Exam Report

2022 CORP GASB 68 and 75 Reports

2022 CORP Census Data Exam Report

2022 CORP AOC GASB 68 and 75 Reports

2022 EORP GASB 68 and 75 Reports


GASB Reports by Individual Employer (PSPRS & CORP)

GASB Reports by Individual Employer  (All years)


Auditor General Pension Reporting Guidance

The Auditor General recommends that PSPRS and CORP employers consider making adjustments to pension amounts reported in their financial statements, note disclosures and required supplementary information.  Those recommendations, along with sample journal entries and examples are available on their website,


Funding Policy

PSPRS Funding Policy