PSPRS Online Services:

Public Safety Personnel Retirement System

Legislation & Summary of Plan Provisions


Current and Historical Legislation

To view proposed and enacted legislation from current and previous sessions, click here.

Arizona State Legislature

To view information regarding current Arizona legislative session activity, or to learn more about Arizona’s legislative process, please visit the Arizona State Legislature website at  This site provides detailed information such as committee schedules, live proceedings of hearings and State House or Senate floor sessions.

Current Statutes

The following statutes are not an official version of the Arizona Revised Statutes. If there are any differences or discrepancies, the official version will prevail.

Summary of Plan Provisions

The Administrative Office of the PSPRS provides general benefit information for members in PSPRS, CORP, EORP and EODCRS.  If there are any differences or discrepancies, the official version of the Arizona Revised Statutes will prevail.

Public Safety Personnel Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (PSPDCRP)

The PSPDCRP was created in 2017 for PSPRS members.  In 2018, CORP members were added to the plan.  The plan document below contains plan provisions.