PSPRS Online Services:

Public Safety Personnel Retirement System

New Local Board portal improves flow, functionality


Public Safety Personnel Retirement System 
State of Arizona
February 8, 2018

New Local Board portal launches; updates to improve flow, functionality

The new PSPRS Local Board portal for local board secretaries is now online and replaces the old local board site. It is accessible under the “Local Board” tab on the portal.

Similar to the old portal, the new portal is designed for local board secretaries, not for local board members. The new site contains an upgraded retirement estimator as well as access to reports.

Instructions on how to log in to the new portal and run a benefit estimate are available on the PSPRS website.

If you are a secretary who previously had access to the old portal, you will already be registered for the new
portal. If you are a new secretary or you did not have access to the old portal, you will need to contact 
PSPRS Local Boards Outreach Coordinator Don Mineer at [email protected] in order to register. 

Due to enhanced security measures in the new portal, you will need to click on “Forgot Password” to set up a password for your account when signing into the portal for the very first time. A link with further instructions will then be sent to your e-mail address.

Questions should be directed to Mr. Mineer via e-mail or phone at 602.296.2543.