PSPRS is in the process of analyzing investment returns to determine if a PBI will be paid to CORP benefit recipients in 2018. That analysis is expected to be finalized by the beginning of September. If it is determined that an increase can be paid, it will be issued in the September or October payroll, retroactive to July 1, 2018. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to Sign Up for PSPRS News and Updates so that you can receive the latest information about PSPRS via email.
In November 2018, Proposition 125 will be put on the statewide ballot for voters to consider. Proposition 125 would replace the current PBI with a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) that would that would be based on the cost of living, not on investment returns. For the Arguments Submitted “For” Prop. 125 by the Board of Trustees, click here.