Public Safety Personnel Retirement System
State of Arizona
Contact: Christian Palmer
Phone: 602-296-3736
PSPRS Earns NCPERS Transparency Award
ARIZONA – The Public Safety Personnel Retirement System was honored with the Commitment to Transparency Award from the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS).
The award is given to plans committed to “furthering open disclosure” and “contributing to the public’s understanding of public retirement systems” by participating in an in-depth survey used to produce the NCPERS’ 2023 Public Retirement Systems: Trends in Fiscal, Operation, and Business Practices report.
“We’re proud to contribute to NCPERS’ valuable research and to demonstrate our commitment and responsibility to plan members, retirees, employers and the public,” said PSPRS Administrator Mike Townsend. “We’re honored to have received this acknowledgment for each of the past three years.”
The organization’s annual report details U.S. public pension plan actuarial policies, investment allocation and performance, funding levels, plan management and other practices.
PSPRS was among 195 state and local public pension plans to participate in the NCPERS survey. The participating pensions represent more than 19.6 million active and retired members and manage more than $3 trillion of combined assets.
With 500 pension plans, NCPERS is the nation’s largest trade association for public sector pension funds. The organization produces a variety of research and reference materials and hosts events to help educate pension trustees and staff members.
The PSPRS trust holds approximately $19 billion in assets to fund the retirements of first responders, corrections officers, elected officials and judges. The system is governed by a nine-member board consisting of members of PSPRS-managed plans and civilian investment and financial experts.