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Public Safety Personnel Retirement System

PSPRS nominated for national pension award


Public Safety Personnel Retirement System 
State of Arizona

June 21, 2016
CONTACT: Christian Palmer
PHONE: 602-296-3736

PSPRS nominated for national pension award
Financial media publication recognizes PSPRS among five public plans

The Public Safety Personnel Retirement System was nominated as a finalist for Small Public Pension Plan of the Year by Institutional Investor Magazine.

The nomination is for public pension plans that “stood out for their performance innovation, achievements and contributions” in 2016. It follows the nomination of PSPRS Chief Investment Officer Ryan Parham, who was among five nominees named as CIO of the Year (2016) by the same publication.

PSPRS was nominated for Small Public Pension Plan of the Year alongside pension plans of Kern County, San Bernardino, Rhode Island, and West Virginia, and continues to draw national attention for is successful portfolio transitioning and management.

The PSPRS investment team inherited and has since transformed a formerly volatile portfolio into a highly diversified investments capable of generating returns and withstanding economic volatility. Once an “80/20” portfolio consisting of publicly traded stocks and fixed income bonds, PSPRS investments are now spread across 10 different asset classes.