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Public Safety Personnel Retirement System

PSPRS releases pension reform campaign schedule


Public Safety Personnel Retirement System
State of Arizona

February 7, 2017
Contact: Christian Palmer
Phone: 602-296-3736

PSPRS releases pension reform campaign schedule
Education campaign for employers and local board

ARIZONA – The Public Safety Personnel Retirement System released its monthly schedule for a campaign to educate employers and local boards of the requirements associated with implementing pension reforms that become effective July 1, 2017.

The reforms include a third public safety employee tier as well as the replacement of the long-standing permanent benefit increase (PBI) for retirees with an annual cost-of-living-adjustment based on inflationary increases as identified by the U.S. Department of Labor.

The law changes also create a logistical requirement that existing systems and processes in place for reporting payroll and employee/employer contributions be upgraded to handle additional demands. Such changes are a vital component of the education campaign, as is informing employers and local boards about benefit changes for employees hired after June 30, 2017. These changes include the availability of a mixed defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plan, as well as a 401k-style that requires a 9 percent employer matching contribution. 

Details of the campaign can be viewed below, but PSPRS reminds employers, local boards and members that the education campaign is subject to change as necessary.  Please check the PSPRS website ( for the most up-to-date version of this plan. A downloadable version is available at the bottom of this communication.
January, 2017
Webinar—Overview of Senate Bill 1428     1/10/17
Webinar—Tier 2 Defined Contribution Opt-Out Process     1/31/17
Email Newsletter to Local Boards and Employer

• Overview of SB 1428 Provisions
• Tier 2 Defined Contribution Opt-Out Process
• Upcoming educational opportunities
• Cost of Living Adjustments     1/26/17

Email to Employers                                                                  
• New Payroll File Format and Data Requirements     1/31/17
February, 2017
Outreach Meetings—Largest Employers, Member Organizations
• Provide Updates on Progress of 1428
• Provide Updates on Tier 2 DC Opt-Out Process
• Garner Feedback on Outstanding Issues 

Educational Video—Broad Reform Overview
• Tier 3 Benefit Provisions
• DB vs. DC vs. Hybrid Plans

Resources for Tier 2 Members—Opt-Out Process 
Email Newsletter to Local Boards and Employers

• Tier 3 Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Plans
• Hybrid Plan
• Announce Local Board/Employer Training Events Offered Across Arizona
• Announce Employer and Employee Contribution Rates Effective     7/1/17 

Website—Create a “Toolkit” Page Dedicated to SB 1428 Information 
March, 2017
Local Board & Employer Training Session—Pima Community College     3/30/17

• New Plan Provisions
• PSPRS Operational Changes (enrollment, payroll, payments, etc.)
• Tier 2 Opt-Out Details
• DB/DC/Hybrid Differences
• Tools for Educating Employees 

Educational Video—Tier 2 Opt-Out Process 

Brochure for Tier 3 New Members—Plan Options (DB, DC, Hybrid) 

Email Newsletter to Local Boards and Employers

• Tier 3 Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Plans
• Hybrid Plan
• Announce Local Board/Employer Training Events Offered Across Arizona
• Announce Employer and Employee Contribution Rates Effective     7/1/17 

Decision Tree Aid—Determining Which Tier a New Member Belongs In 
April, 2017
Local Board & Employer Training Sessions—Flagstaff
                                              —Burton Barr Library (Phx.)     4/06/17 4/13/17
• New Plan Provisions
• PSPRS Operational Changes (enrollment, payroll, payments, etc.)
• Tier 2 Opt-Out Details
• DB/DC/Hybrid Differences
• Tools for Educating Employees 
Email Newsletter to Local Boards and Employers
• Additional Details on Plan Provisions—Tier 3
• Defined Contribution Details (contribution rates, investments, etc.)
• Decision Tree—How to Place New Employees in Proper Tiers 
Educational Video—Tier 3 Benefit Provisions 
Educational Video—Tier 3 Member Financial Guidance 
Webinars (2)—Tier 2 Member Opt-Out Process (for members)      TBD
May, 2017
Webinar—Employers and Local Boards     5/16/17

• Summary of Local Board Training Sessions
• New Enrollment Processes
• New Payment Processes
• How to Determine Which Tier New Members Belong To
• Online Resources 

Enrollment Manual for Employers 

Educational Video—Enrollment Procedures and Requirements 
June, 2017
Member Handbook Updated 

Local Board Retirement Instruction Manual Updated 

Information Packet for Tier 3 Members 

Publish Webpage Dedicated to Tier 3 Members

• Side-by-Side Comparison of Plan Options
• Member Handbook—Plan Provisions
• Videos on Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution and Plan Provisions 

Update Tier 3 Forms on Website 

Webinar—Legislative Update 

Pension Reform Education Campaign Schedule (Downloadable)

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