PSPRS Online Services:



As a participant in PSPRS as a Tier 1, 2 or 3 DB Member, benefits that are available to you vary depending on your Membership Tier:

Increases for Tier 1, 2 and 3 DB Members and Survivors

Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase for public safety retirees and survivors is determined based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for the metropolitan Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale area ending December 31 of the prior calendar year.  Contingent on the CPI, up to 2% may be paid as a COLA.

For NEW retirees and survivors with a retirement date after July 1 of the prior fiscal year, the increase is prorated based on the date of retirement.  The following table provides examples how an increase is calculated if an increase is granted July 1, 2021:


Example 1: Effective retirement date 7/1/2020

# of months retired: 12


3 moExample 2: Effective retirement date 1/1/2021

3 mo

# of months retired: 6


Fiscal YTDExample 3: Effective retirement date 6/1/2021

Fiscal YTD

# of months retired 1


Calendar YTDExample 4: Effective retirement date  7/1/2021



Base benefit


3 mo



Fiscal YTDBase benefit


Calendar YTD



1yrBase benefit






Not eligible for the increase this year since the member was not retired prior to the effective date of the increase





3 mo



Fiscal YTD2% COLA


Calendar YTD



1yr2% COLA






Eligible for the full increase


3 mo

Eligible for 6 months of the increase

3 mo

Formula: $20 / 12 (months) x 6 (months) = $10.00


Fiscal YTD

Eligible for 1 month of the increase

Fiscal YTD

Formula: $20 / 12 (months) x 1 (month) = $1.67



New base


3 mo



Fiscal YTDNew base


Calendar YTD



1yrNew base





Please note that if a COLA is granted, it may change the monthly Federal and Arizona state income tax withholding amounts and so members are encouraged to view their Direct Deposit Notices via Members Only, showing the gross, deductions and net check.

Additional Increase Requirements for Tier 3 DB Members and Survivors

The increase will be payable after 7 years of retirement, or at age 60, whichever comes first, and will be determined based on the funding level of the PSPRS.


 Funding Level


3 mo




 70% to < 80% 


3 mo

1.0% cap 



  80% to < 90% 


3 mo1.5% cap

90% or more


2.0% cap

Funding Levels

To help understand the factors and investment methodologies, please view current and prior fiscal year information in the ACFR (Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports), or the Actuarial Valuations under Annual Reports.

Additional Resources

For additional resources, Plan summary, guide books and forms, you may access our Forms & Resources webpage and for the latest news and information, we encourage you to Sign Up for News and Updates.