PSPRS Online Services:

Public Safety Personnel Retirement System

Retiree Health Insurance Open Enrollment FAQs


Retiree Health Insurance 2019 Open Enrollment Season is here!

If you are insured through Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS)…

Open enrollment ends Friday, November 30, 2018, at 5 pm (Mountain Standard time) and selected coverage will be effective January 1, 2019. Any changes to the plan elections will be reflected on the January benefit payment paid at the end of January 2019.

If you do not wish to make any changes under the ASRS medical and/or dental plans, you do not need to complete a new enrollment form.

Premiums for all of the ASRS health insurance plans have been lowered this year. However, there are important changes to the Medicare plans and retirees are encouraged to attend ASRS enrollment meetings for additional information.

Please check your ASRS guidebook for the meeting schedule and locations or click here for the non-Medicare plan meetings and click here for the Medicare plan meetings. (Please note that only ASRS members may attend the Online Webinars provided by ASRS.) Retirees may also call PSPRS at (602) 255-5575 to schedule an appointment with UnitedHealthcare representatives at the PSPRS office during the open enrollment period.


  • Non-Medicare retirees will receive a new insurance ID card if they change to a different plan or add or change dependents. Cards will not be issued to Non-Medicare retirees who do not make changes to their health insurance plans.
  • ALL Medicare Senior Supplement retirees will be transitioned to the new Medicare Advantage PPO plan and will receive a welcome packet in mid-November. New insurance ID cards will be mailed separately and should be received by December 31, 2018.

If you are insured through the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA), also referred to as ADOA “Benefit Options”…

If you do not wish to make any changes under the ADOA medical and dental plans, you do not need to complete a new enrollment form. However, for policy updates, please visit the ADOA website, call (602) 542-5008, toll-free at (800) 304-3687, or email [email protected] for additional information. Open enrollment ends November 9, 2018, at 5 pm (Mountain Standard time) and selected coverage will be effective January 1, 2019.

If you are not certain if your coverage is through the ASRS, ADOA/Benefit Options or another PSPRS-employer plan….

Please contact PSPRS at (602) 255-5575 for assistance.

Open enrollment FAQs

What do I do with the packet I recieved?

  • Retirees making changes to ASRS plans must complete the ASRS Medical and/or Dental Enrollment Form and send it to the PSPRS office at 3010 E. Camelback Rd. Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ, 85016, before the enrollment period ends on Friday, November 30, 2018.

What if I did not receive a packet?

  • ASRS Open Enrollment packets were mailed on October 20, 2018, and may take several days to arrive. Retirees can obtain enrollment packets at any of the ASRS open enrollment events or from the PSPRS website from our website under your retirement Plan (Public Safety Personnel, Corrections Officer or Elected Officials) > Retiree > Health Insurance.

Can I go to PSPRS to talk about how the changes will affect my pension?

  • Yes, PSPRS is open Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm, except on federal holidays. Please note that PSPRS cannot accept walk-ins after 4pm.
  • Retirees may also call PSPRS at (602) 255-5575 to schedule an appointment with UnitedHealthcare representatives at the PSPRS office. Due to heavy call volume during open enrollment, retirees may reach a PSPRS voicemail message when attempting to schedule appointments. Please state your full name, phone number, and the last four digits of your Social Security number when leaving messages as this will allow PSPRS to have the necessary records ready when we contact you. Calls will be returned within 1-2 business days.

I would like to terminate my ASRS coverage, what do I need to do?

  • If you would like to terminate your ASRS medical or dental coverage, please mail, fax, or email PSPRS a signed letter requesting to terminate your medical and/or dental coverage. Please also indicate the prospective date in which you would like your coverage to end. If you are on the ASRS Medicare supplement plan and your spouse is covered on the same plan your spouse must also sign the termination letter.