PSPRS Online Services:

System Upgrade


Due to pension reform provisions passed by the legislature in 2016 and 2017, PSPRS is just finishing up a major software upgrade that will enable staff, employers and local boards to handle the new provisions and provide enhancements to members.  Parts of the PSPRS website, including portions of the Members Only portal and Service Purchase Calculator, are being updated and tested and it is estimated that they will be available in August; we apologize for the inconvenience.  Once the new software is rolled out, employers will be able to look up information about new members to make sure they are enrolled in the correct tier and plan, make payments via ACH, and quickly determine if PSPRS contributions are accurate.  New members will be able to elect which plan they wish to enroll in and to view contribution and demographic information online.  

Over the next several months we will continue to add new features to our website, including the ability for members to change demographic data and handle paperwork online.  

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work diligently to incorporate the new changes.