PSPRS Online Services:

Elected Officials

System Upgrade


Due to the pension reform provisions passed by the legislature in 2016 and 2017, the Administrative Office of the PSPRS is in the process of implementing a major software upgrade in the Members Only, Employers and Local Board portals that will enable the System and the employers to handle the new provisions of the laws, as well as provide on-line enhancements to the membership.  These portal enhancements include, but are not limited to, allowing employers to look up information about new members to ensure that they are enrolled in the correct Tier and Plan, to make contribution payments electronically, and to determine if contributions are accurate.  Additionally, new members will be able to elect which Plan they wish to enroll in, as applicable, and will also be able to view contribution and demographic information on-line. 

The PSPRS is excited for these upgrades and appreciate your patience while we work diligently to incorporate the new changes.