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TIER 1 PS DROP extended to seven years


Governor Ducey has approved Senate Bill 1268, which makes conditional service extensions to DROP, to seven from five years, effective July 6, 2022. Conditions are different for members who are currently in DROP and for those who will enter in the future.

The new law allows members currently in DROP to seek their employers’ approval to extend their service beyond the traditional 60-month (five-year) limitation, however it does not alter the basic eligibility requirements of the regular five-year DROP for Tier 1 public safety members.

In order to be eligible for extending DROP service up to seven years, future DROP members must be at least 51 years old and have 24.5 years of credited service at the time they enter DROP. We encourage members to read the new law in its entirety, speak with their employer, and see our FY2022 Third Quarter Newsletter for more information.