PSPRS Online Services:

Tier 2 Membership Opt-out Election


Members who joined the PSPRS between January 1, 2012 and June 30, 2017 that do not pay into social security will automatically be required to pay into the PSPRS Defined Contribution (DC) Plan (in addition to the current Defined Benefit Plan), unless you elect to opt-out before June 30, 2017. 

To assist in this process, see Tier 2 Member Opt-Out Process, webinar titled Tier 2 “Opt-Out” Process (conducted on January 31, 2017) and the SB1428 Implementation: Tier 2 “Opt-Out” Process PowerPoint Presentation.

The election to opt-out must be made through your Members Only account. For assistance creating an account, see Create a Members Only Account.